English Football League Autographs 1970s

English Football League autographs 1970s and 1960s and. Also many from the 1950s. All clubs in England are represented in this webshop from Northpoint Autographs.

This shop will contain a large amount of autographs. Up to many thoudsands  items in the end. Almost all items are from a period of a decade of English football. From mid 60s to the mid 70s, A golden era of football

Most of the league players are represented in this webshop with their real handwriting. Not only the first divisions more famous stars. You can find almost everyone with appearance in the 4 divisions 92 clubs.

The shop will further on also offer unsigned memorabilia and propgrammes.

I started collecting autographs in the late 60´s. My focus and target  has been to get the signatures of everyone that took part in the English football league in the season 1970-71. I have success in that mission as just a couple of names are missing. Not just every registered division 1-4 player in FA that season, it also includes every manager, coach and trainers as well. Even some apprentices and juniors are in the collection.To obtain this in my collection I have items from the early 60`s to the late 70`s. I have reached my goal. It took a lifetime and my age is almost the same or even with the players which were the target for my collecting ambition.

The collecteion was stored in 100 heavy albums sorted club by club.

My decision to sell out is probably the best for my lifework. I live in the north of Sweden and I am worried that my relatives don´t share my interest or have ideas and knowledge to bring it further . By the way, it gives me a pleasure to go through my stuff again.

Of that reason I can offer many thousands of items from this era. This is real signings on index cards, white paper, cuttings from autograph albums, magazine pictures, news magazine, books, photos, letters, multiple signed sheets and team pictures.

Signed memorabilia and several hundred of personal letters answering my request for autographs and later on interesting emails from ex-players discovering my website that has been published since 1998.

Good luck and thanks for visiting  Northpoint Autographs. You have good chances to find your missing signature from this era or to start a collection of your favourite club as most of the players from this time will be found here. It may take some time to put everyone here so  please be in contact and ask if I got what you want.

Best wishes to all collerctors.

Lennart Kristiansson

My autograph site www.7071.se on internet since 1998

Written and drawn by Brendon Batson, Arsenal 1971-74

If you are interested in buying a larger number of items. Please be in contact for special agreement.


My membership cards from 1969-72

Chelsea Supporter´s club